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The mysterious Sh-Boom
Der Artikel "25 microchips that shook the world" der Zeitschrift IEEE Spectrum
kam gut beim Publikum an, wie damals auch schon berichtet:
Eine erfolgreiche Idee kann man aufbohren, als neue online Version wurde er um einige ICs erweitert:
Und man hat sich als passenden Sponsor den namhaften Bauteildistributors Mouser geangelt. Der hat in der aktuellen Ausgabe der Zeitschrift eine ganzseitige Anzeige spendiert. Und so kommt es, dass der Sh-Boom wieder in einem Atemzug mit allem was Rang und Namen hat genannt wird. (Rafael Deliano)
Hier ein Bild der unveränderten Anzeige, als Beleg sozusagen:
Join SVFIG meeting online - 22 July 10.00 local time
It seems that SockPuppet is one of the presentations,
The final agenda appears 2 days before the event on github. and
A Start With Forth 2017 : Forth - Bits and Bites, Kindle Edition
After many years a new Start. And this time many parts are immediately available and free to read - and additional info can be found in the book description. Just Look Inside above the eBook, and you can immediately read and program. The first part is freely accessible.
With easyFORTH a small Forth is available in Javascript in the Internet, no download needed, just type into the window - a big thankyou to Nick. VFXTESTAPP or VFX as well as other Forths have not all been tried but should work with the same programs.
This eBook is part of the Forth Bookshelf at:
Or start there:
Compiler Bestseller Liste
A Bit of Forth and Fun. Thanks again – A Start With Forth is now up from top 20 to top 18
Compiler Bestseller Liste
A Bit of Forth and Fun. Thanks again – A Start With Forth is now up from top 20 to top 18
Tings new eForth home
Chen Hanson Ting hat seine Werke wieder online gestellt:
Damit ist sein eForth für eine ganz Reihe interessanter MCUs, 8-Bit bis 32-Bit, wieder verfügbar. Und drum herum viel lesenswertes über Forth an sich und eForth im speziellen.
Forth Bookshelf extended - Irreducible Complexity
Es gibt ein weiteres ebook von Ting:
For UK
For US
For Germany
The complete Forth Bookshelf can be found at:
"Moore’s Law marches on, and more and more circuits are crowded into microcontrollers. In the last 15 years, I had programmed many ARM chips, and had watched with amazement the progress of the ARM chips. My approach had always been to port an eForth system onto the chips and tried to make the best use of the chips..."
Forth Tagung in Kalkar war nach Ostern ...
Die Tagung der Deutschen Forthgesellschaft e.V. 2017 war am 21.-23. April 2017 im Wunderland Kalkar. Seit 2013 versuchen wir die Vorträge in Bild und Ton bereit zu stellen. Damit ihr selbst sehen könnt wie es war. Im Wiki sind die Videos und auch slides, sofern die Vortragenden diese beigesteuert haben, zu finden.
EuroForth 2017
Bad Vöslau, 8.-10. September 2017 - The 33rd EuroForth conference takes place in the spa town Bad Vöslau (near Vienna) in Austria. Please see the official call for papers for instructions on how to submit papers.
The conference will be preceeded by the Forth standards meeting which starts on the 6th of September. Both the meeting and the conference will be hosted in the College Garden Hotel. The exact address for your navigation system is: Johann Strauß-Straße 2, 2540 Bad Vöslau, Austria.
EP32 RISC Processor IP: Description and Implementation into FPGA - Kindle Edition
A 32 Bit RISC Processor in VHDL. VHDL Code Package ordered separately includes Simulator.
It seems to be impossible, but you can design your own 32 processor system. Here with the help of the free to download Lattice Diamond Software just needed to program the FPGA. The image ( available soon ) includes the synthesized VHDL and the eForth and is programmed into the FPGA, start your favorite Terminal program and reset the Brevia board - writing code can start.
The eBook is at
For more information, please check the additional explanations at: