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PiliPlop algorithm

The idea

When a number of different processes are to start at the same time and also be terminated at the same time, you need something like PiliPlop. It uses a Bresenham like algorithm. Original idea Albert Nijhof. Examples are:

  • A plotter
  • Walking robots, a complete implementation including PiliPlop
  • Robot arm, an example of the use of PiliPlop
  • Flowing RGB light patterns (see picture below)
  • Etc.

Synchronised movement

Now the question is: What does PiliPlop do to make the processes evenly (synchronous) change position?

Answer: For all processes it is determined how far they have to go. The largest path (called the number of steps) is the starting point of the algorithm. Each motor will reach its end in that number of number of steps to reach its endpoint.

For each process a counter is reserved, this counter is refilled with the greatest number of steps when it this counter is refilled with the largest number of steps. Each counter is decreased by the number of steps that process needs to take. The result is a fairly even moving of each process. Each process also reaches the desired end position as shown in the example.
A dash means that nothing changes, an asterisk means that the process in question changes position.

Beginpos.   0       0       0       0       0
Endpos.    10       3       7       1       2

step-nr    p1      p2      p3      p4      p5
  1      -5 *1    2 -0   -2 *1    4 -0    3 -0  
  2      -5 *2   -1 *1    1 -1    3 -0    1 -0  
  3      -5 *3    6 -1   -6 *2    2 -0   -1 *1   
  4      -5 *4    3 -1   -3 *3    1 -0    7 -1   
  5      -5 *5    0 -1    0 -3    0 -0    5 -1   
  6      -5 *6   -3 *2   -7 *4   -1 *1    3 -1   
  7      -5 *7    4 -2   -4 *5    8 -1    1 -1   
  8      -5 *8    1 -2   -1 *6    7 -1   -1 *2   
  9      -5 *9   -2 *3    2 -6    6 -1    7 -2   
 10      -5 *10   5 -3   -5 *7    5 -1    5 -2   
endpos.    10       3       7       1       2

The example above has the initial position 0 0 0 0 0 and the desired final position desired end position 10 3 7 1 2. The table shows that 10 steps. If a counter is empty (becomes negative) a step is taken and the counter is refilled with the maximum number of steps. maximum number of steps. All counters are initialised at half of the maximum number of steps, which in this example is 10/2=5.

The counter for process-1 (p1) must be replenished at every step and therefore this process is switched 10 times. The counter for process-5 (p5) is only changed twice because the counter there only runs out twice.

noForth running DEMO3 example

Pseudo code

    Define: ( u -- )
        Reserve u cells RAM space 
    Action: ( +n -- a )
        Leave cell address of cell +n in this structure

«p» constant #PROCESSES
#processes variables SHERE      \ Starting points for each process
#processes variables THERE      \ End points
#processes variables DIRECTION  \ Moving direction -1 or +1
#processes variables TANK       \ Amount of fuel
#processes variables USAGE      \ Fuel usage for each step ... 
0 value STEPS                   \ Largest number of process steps
0 value WAIT                    \ Wait time for each step

Function: PREPARE ( -- )
  LOOP: #processes times
      Calculate moving direction for each process & save
      Calculate moving distance for each process & save
      Determine largest moving distance & save
  Fill all tanks half full

Function: ONE-STEP ( -- )
  LOOP: #processes times
     Calculate new tank contents by subtracting USAGE from TANK
     IF: TANK empty
         Refuel by adding STEPS to TANK
     Add DIRECTION to SHERE for a new position
         SHERE is the new process data
  Perform wanted action with current process data and wait.
Function: GO ( x0 .. xp -- )
   LOOP: #processes times
      Save all process data in THERE
   Perform PREPARE 
   LOOP: STEPS times
      Perform ONE-STEP

For an explanation of VARIABLES see Array.

Generic Forth

\ Not in Generic Forth: ABS  MS  +!
3 constant #PROCESSES
: VARIABLES    create here ,  cells allot  does> @ swap cells + ; \ Array of cells
#processes variables SHERE
#processes variables THERE
#processes variables DIRECTION
#processes variables TANK
#processes variables USAGE
0 value STEPS           \ Largest change in steps
0 value WAIT            \ Wait time after each STEP
: .SHERE        ( -- )  \ Put process information on screen
    cr  #processes 0 do  i shere @ 4 .r  loop  space ;
: PREPARE       ( -- )
    0 to steps ( Distance ) #processes 0 do
        i there @  i shere @              \ Data change for each process
        2dup u< 2* 1 +  i direction !     \ Remember moving direction
        - abs  dup i usage !              \ Hold distance
        steps umax  to steps              \ Keep largest distance?
    #processes 0 do  steps 2/  i tank !  loop ; \ Tanks half full!
\ Some processes do not need <perform process>, for example
\ when the <store process data> is used by an interrupt
\ routine or an other task! The added WS2812 noForth example
\ however do output the data to the WS2812 leds there!
: ONE-STEP      ( -- )
    #processes 0 do
        i tank @  i usage @ -             \ Calc. tank contents
    dup i tank !                      \ Replace tank with result
    0< if                             \ Fuel shortage?
            steps  i tank +!              \ Refuel with steps
            i direction @  i shere +!     \ New motor position
\           i shere @  i <store process data> \ PLOP
    ( <perform process> )  .shere  wait ms ; \ Activate processes
: ALL-ONCE      ( -- )          steps 0 do  one-step  loop ;
: >PROCESSES    ( x0 .. xp -- ) #processes 0 do  i there !  loop ;
: GO            ( x0 .. xp -- ) >processes prepare  all-once ;
: TEST      ( -- )   \ Start all processes at zero and run PiliPlop once
    10 to wait  #processes 0 do  0 i shere !  loop   10 4 8 go ;


Have a look at the sub directories for implementations for different systems.

  • noForth, specific implementation of PiliPlop.
en/pfw/piliplop.txt · Last modified: 2023-09-04 18:17 by uho