TDS 2020F mit Hitachi H8/532
- 2 Serielle RS232 Ports
- 32k-8MB (32K im Kit)
- Programmspeicher: 45k
- 10bit A-D Kanaele: 8
- 8bit A-D Kanaele: 3
- I2C serieller Bus
- RTC uhr
- Power: +6-+16V DC / 31mA
- CPU: 16bit H8/532
Kit Inhalt
- Board TDS2020F
- TDS2020F Technical Manual (englisch), 444 Seiten
- Hitachi H8/500 series Programming Manual (englisch), 170 Seiten
- Hitachi H8/532 Hardware Manual (englisch), 449 Seiten
- CD-ROM mit Dokumentation und TDC-PC Entwicklungsumgebung
- 32K RAM
The TDS2020F is based on the Hitachi 16-bit H8/532 microprocessor. There are 45k bytes of space for your compiled program and up to 512k bytes of Flash memory or battery-backed RAM to keep vital data while the board is not working. This can be expanded to over a gigabyte with plug-in PCMCIA or Compact Flash cards. The Analog to Digital converter has eight channels of 10-bit resolution (better than 1 in 1000) and there are three channels of 8-bit Digital to Analog (1 in 250). Both can readily be expanded with off-card chips. Driver software is available for 12 and 16-bit A to D converters connected in parallel, or remotely through a serial SPI or PC interface.
The board has between 26 and 41 Parallel I/Os depending on the other options selected and there are two RS232 Serial Ports. Additional features include four hardware Counter-Timers (three are 16-bit), two separate Watchdog Timers and Multitasking. An on-board clock provides date and time to be kept alone side your data. The single power supply draws 32mA with only 155pA in a low power operational mode for datalogging. Regular automatic wakeup assures sub-milliamp powerconsumption and long battery life.
The TDS2020F measures 100 x 80mm.
It has pin headers for connection by ribbon cable, or simply use it as a component inserted on a larger board. Another version has a DIN41612 connector for use in a rack.
Dieses Kit wurde von Norbert Lott zur Verfügung gestellt.
Im Verleih seit: August 2017
Forth-Systeme: Flash-Forth, 16K ANS-Forth (mit Assembler, Multitasking)
Ausleihstatus: verfügbar
Hitachi EVB 2623F
- 20MHZ H8S/2623F CPU (HD64F2623F20)
- 256KB RAM (16 bit words)
- 256KB Flash mit HDI-M firmware monitor
- 12KB internal RAM
- 2 LEDs
- 3 Taster
- Host (UART) Interface RS232 DB9
- User (SCI2) Interface RS232 DB9
- on chip CAN modul für CAN spec 2.0a und 2.0b
- Programmierrate bis zu 1Mbit/s
- CAN tranciever für ISO/DIS 11898 über DB9 Anschluss
- 5V DC (Netzteil nicht Bestandteil des Kits!)
Dieses Kit wurde von Michael Kalus zur Verfügung gestellt.
Im Verleih seit: Dezember 2012
Ausleihstatus: verfügbar