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Welcome to the project-forth-works wiki!

What this project is all about ...

Forth would benefit greatly from an active community sharing sources and solutions. But our problem lies in the saying: When you have seen one Forth, you have seen one Forth. With this project we would like to embrace our differences. And start sharing, despite having all the different Forths-dialects.
The core idea of this project is to use a simple, generic version of Forth to spread ideas, algorithms, protocols, applications and hardware drivers. This generic version of Forth guarantees that it can be understood and used by (almost) everybody in the Forth-community.

Click here for an introduction to Project Forth Works

We have until now the following categories:

pfw/project_forth_works.1667333605.txt.gz · Zuletzt geändert: 2022-11-01 21:13 von uho