



Hier werden die Unterschiede zwischen zwei Versionen angezeigt.

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pfw_attic:programming-tools [2023-02-06 19:49] – ↷ Seite von pfw:programming-tools nach pfw_attic:programming-tools verschoben uhopfw_attic:programming-tools [2023-09-08 01:27] (aktuell) – ↷ Links angepasst, weil Seiten im Wiki verschoben wurden
Zeile 4: Zeile 4:
 In this section we would like to collect handy forth definitions that are helpful during development. In this section we would like to collect handy forth definitions that are helpful during development.
-  * [[pfw:multiline-comments|multiline comments]]: comment regions of text, nest-able +  * [[en:pfw:multiline-comments|multiline comments]]: comment regions of text, nest-able 
-  * [[pfw:dump|DUMP]] a tool to display memory content +  * [[en:pfw:dump|DUMP]] a tool to display memory content 
-  * [[pfw:substitution-phrases|Substitution Phrases]]: phrases that replace well known but undefined words+  * [[en:pfw:substitution-phrases|Substitution Phrases]]: phrases that replace well known but undefined words
   * ... and other tools   * ... and other tools
pfw_attic/programming-tools.1675709374.txt.gz · Zuletzt geändert: 2023-02-06 19:49 von uho