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projects:volksforth [2017-07-20 23:58] – [volksFORTH] berndprojects:volksforth [2022-08-18 12:03] cas
Zeile 3: Zeile 3:
 ====== volksFORTH ====== ====== volksFORTH ======
-volksFORTH is a 16bit Forth System produced by the german Forth Gesellschaft e.V. Main development of this system was done between 1985 until 1989. The volksFORTH Project was revived in 2005 with the goal to produce a manageable Forthsystem for computer systems with restricted system resources. The current Version of VolksForth is 3.81. Work on Version 3.90 has started.+volksFORTH is a 16-bit Forth System produced by the German Forth Gesellschaft e.V. The main development of this system was done between 1985 and 1989. 
 +The volksFORTH Project has been revived in 2005 with the goal to produce a manageable Forth system for computers/controllers with restricted resources. The current version of VolksForth is 3.81. The work on Version 3.90 has started.
-At this time volksFORTH is available for this Systems+At this stage volksFORTH is available for these systems
   * volksFORTH MS-DOS (Intel x86 Architecture i8086-ia64)    * volksFORTH MS-DOS (Intel x86 Architecture i8086-ia64) 
-  * volksFORTH 6502 (Commodore 64, Commodore Plus 4, Commodore PET, Apple 1, Apple II/IIe/IIc (ProDOS), Atari XL/XE) +  * volksFORTH 6502 (Commodore 64, Commodore Plus 4, Commodore PET, Apple 1, Apple II/IIe/IIc (ProDOS), Atari XL/XE, Commander X16
   * volksFORTH Z80 (CP/M, Amstrad CPC)    * volksFORTH Z80 (CP/M, Amstrad CPC) 
-  * volksFORTH 68000 (Atari ST) +  * volksFORTH 68000 (Atari ST, Amiga with EmuTOS
-[[|download volksForth]] \\ +[[|Developer Wiki, Binaries and Sourcecode]] \\
-[[|Developer Wiki and Sourcecode]]+
-Copyright: The volksFORTH Sources are made available under the terms of the BSD License +Copyright: The volksFORTH Sources are made available under the terms of the BSD License
-The Handbook is Copyright (c) 1985 - 2006 Forth Gesellschaft e.V. ( Klaus Schleisiek, Ulrich Hoffmann, Bernd Pennemann, Georg Rehfeld and Dietrich Weineck).+The [[projects:historischedokumente:volksforth|Handbook]] is Copyright (c) 1985 - 2006 Forth Gesellschaft e.V. ( Klaus Schleisiek, Ulrich Hoffmann, Bernd Pennemann, Georg Rehfeld and Dietrich Weineck).
-Some modern Forth Systems were influenced by or were derived from volksFORTH: [[|GNU-Forth]], [[|bigForth]]. +Some modern Forth Systems have been influenced by or derived from volksFORTH:  [[|GNU-Forth]], [[|bigForth]]. 
projects/volksforth.txt · Zuletzt geändert: 2022-08-18 12:03 von cas