====== Forth Literature Lists ====== ===== Collection Klaus Kohl-Schöpe ===== {{ :various:kks-forth_bibliotheke.jpg?200|KKS collection 1/2018}} Klaus has bought over the years all the documentation he could get hold of and built his library. If you are searching for a book, and it is not available anymore in print, your chances are high that he might give it to you on loan. See http://mcforth.net/ His current list((01/2018)) as PDF: : {{ :various:klauskohlschoepe-mappe.pdf |}} There is a larger green dragon at the top level, and to the left a smaller black dragon - [[infos:drachenpreis|the Dragon Price]].(( Explanation for now in German.)) The SWAP Dragon – as you find it in Starting Forth. ===== Collection Jürgen Pintaske ===== Juergen as well collects for a few years now books about Forth. He contacted the authors and got the agreement to reformat and publish them as eBook. His Forth Bookshelf has grown to 16 eBooks at the moment. Some are now not easily available anywhere – especially the Chuck Moore books. See his [[https://www.amazon.co.uk/Juergen-Pintaske/e/B00N8HVEZM|current collection at Amazon]]. Some of them written by Juergen. Here especially the Beginner’s book **A Start With Forth**, where most chapters are in this wiki too: [[en:projects:a-start-with-forth:start0|A Start with Forth]]. Or they are his translations of German editions. ===== Our Book Stack ===== While the KKS and JP books are available, our stack of books is just a list of documentations and links, which is expanded as more becomes available. Please add the additional material that you have in the same way - or send us an email with the data. The latest ones received are on top. * **Rather**, Elizabeth D., and the technical stuff of Forth Inc.: Forth Application Techniques; revised edition released March 2008 * **Rather**, Elizabeth D., and **Conklin**, Edward K.: Forth Programmer's Handbook; A detailed, technical Forth manual for experienced programmers. 3rd Edition, September 2007 * **Pelc**, Stephen: [[http://www.mpeforth.com/arena/ProgramForth.pdf|Programming Forth]], 2005 * **Nijhof**, Albert: [[http://www.mv-buchhandel.de/|Die Programmiersprache Forth]]. Monsenstein und Vannerdat, Münster 2003 * **Smith**, Norman E.: Write your own Programming Language Using C++ (2nd Edition)(FORTH Implementierung). Woodware, 1996. * **Hendtlass**, Tim: Real Time Forth, Swinburne University of Technology, 1993 * **Noble**, Julian V.: Scientific Forth. Mechum Banks Publishing. Charlottesville, 1992 * **Woehr**, Jack: Forth: The New Model - A Programmer's Handbook. M&T Publishing, 1992 * **Ting**, C. H.: eForth Implementation Guide, Offete Enterprises, 1990. * **Ting**, C. H.: More on Forth Engines, Volume 12, Offete Enterprises, 1990. * **Ting**, C. H.: Forth Notebook Volume 2, Offete Enterprises, 1990. * **Vack**, Gert Ulrich: [[projects:vack_-_programmieren_mit_forth|Vack - Programmieren mit Forth]]. VEB Verlag Technik Berlin, 1990. * **Zöller**, Horst und **Loewe**, Heiko: FORTH in der Automatisierung - Einsatzmöglichkeiten und Anwendung. VDI, 1990. * **Kühnel**, Claus: Messen und Steuern mit FORTH auf dem Kleincomputer. Brandenburgisches Verlagshaus, 1990. * **Ting**, C. H.: F-PC 3.5 Technical Reference Manual, 2nd Ed., Offete Enterprises INC, 1989 * **Ting**, C. H.: F-PC Users Manual, 3rd Ed. for Version 3.5, Offete Enterprises INC, 1989 * **ACM**: Proceedings of the first annual Workshop on Real Time, ACM SIG Forth, 1989 * **Roberts**, S.D.: FORTH Applications. Elcomp Publishing Montclair, 1989. * **Mader** Manfred: [[projects:Atari ST Forth]] - Einführung in Forth83, Heim Verlag, 1989 * **Aumiller**, Rainer; **Luda**, Denise: [[projects:Atari ST 32FORTH Compiler]]. Professionelles Entwicklungspaket, Markt & Technik, 1988 * **McCabe**, C. K.: [[projects:Programmieren mit Forth]], Vieweg, 1988 * **Kühnel**, Claus: FORTH auf dem Kleincomputer. Militärverlag der DDR, 1988. * **Vack**, G.-U.: Der Standard Forth-83, 3. verbesserte Auflage, Kammer der Technik Suhl, 1988 * **Kail**, Paul A. C.: FORTH. Einführung und vollständiger Programmierkurs in FORTH, Oldenbourg, 1988. * **Ting**, C. H.: F83 Reference Manual, Offete Enterprises INC, 1987 * **Zech**, Roland: [[projects:Die Programmiersprache FORTH]] - Eine kompakte Darstellung der Programmiersprache mit vielen Beispielen; Franzis, 1987. * **Zech**, Roland: Forth 83 - Ein gründliche Einführung in die Forth-Version - auch für PC's; Franzis, 1987. * **'DR. Dobb'**: Dr. Dobb's Toolbook of Forth, Vol. II (diverse Autoren); M&T Publishing, 1987. * **Beilstein**, Hans-Walter: [[projects:Wie man in FORTH programmiert]] - Einstieg in eine faszinierende Computersprache; Vogel, 1987. * **Aumiller**, Rainer; **Luda**, Denise: Programmieren mit FORTH Atari ST., Markt & Technik, 1987. * **Brodie**, Leo: In FORTH denken. Ins Deutsche übertragen von Elfi Buchert; Hanser, 1986. * **Reynolds**, A. J.: [[projects:Advanced FORTH]], Sigma Press, 1986 * **Terry**, James D.: Library of Forth Routines and Utilities, Shadow Lawn Press, 1986 * **Ting**, C. H.: Forth Notebook, Offete Enterprises, 1986 * **Reymann**, Joseph: FORTH Einführung in die höhere Programmiersprache. Ins Deutsche übertragen von A. Zimmermann; Goldmann, 1985. * **Birkemeyer**, Rüdiger: FORTH - Programmiersprache der vierten Generation; Elektor, 1985. * **Goppold**, Andreas und **Bouteiller** Roger: forth: [[projects:ein programmiersystem ohne grenzen]]; Edition Aragon, 1985. * **Chirlian**, Paul M., [[projects:Der Einstieg in Forth]] (dt: Peter Rosenbeck), Markt & Technik, 1985 * **Hogan**, Thom, [[projects:FORTH ganz einfach]] (dt: Karl-Heinz Büchner), Vieweg, 1985 * **Brodie**, Leo: [[http://thinking-forth.sourceforge.net/|Thinking FORTH]]. A Language and Philosophy for Solving Problems; 1984. * **Anderson**, Anita, **Tracy**, Martin: Mastering FORTH. Brady Communications Company New York, 1984. * **Haydon**, Glen B.: All about FORTH. An annotated Glossary of Commen FORTH Ideograms; Mountain View Press, 1984. * **Haydon**, Kuntze: MVP - FORTH SOURCE LISTING. 8080, IBM-PC, APPLE II; Mountain View Press, 1984. * **Brodie**, Leo: [[projects:Programmieren in Forth]]. (dt: Bernd Steinbach.) Hanser, 1984. [[Notiz1]] * **Knecht**, Ken: [[projects:Einführung in FORTH]] (dt: Gayle C. Prokasky-Fraas.) Markt&Technik, 1984. * **Monadjemi**, Peter: [[projects:Das Trainingsbuch zu Forth]], Data-Becker, 1984, ISBN 3-89011-055-X * **Floegel**, Ekkehard: FORTH Anwendungsbeispiele - Datenverwaltungsprogramme, Geschäftsprogramme, Programmiertechniken, Unterhaltungsprogramme, Künstliche Intelligenz; Hofacker, 1984. * **Schmitter**, E.-D.: Künstliche Intelligenz - Experimente in Forth und Pascal, Algorithmen, Programmbeispiele; Hofacker, 1984. * **McCabe**, C. Kevin: Forth Fundamentals Volume 1 - Language usage, dilithium press, 1983 * **McCabe**, C. Kevin: Forth Fundamentals Volume 2 - Language glossary, dilithium press, 1983 * **Vack**, Gert Ulrich: Der Standard FORTH-83; Kammer Der Technik (Bezirksverband Suhl), 1983. * **Winfield**, A.F.T, The complete Forth, Sigma/Wiley, 1983 * **Floegel**, Ekkehard: [[projects:FORTH Handbuch]] - Grundlagen Einführung Bespiele; Hofacker, 1982. * **Scanlon**, Leo S., Forth Programming, Howard W. Sams & Co., Inc, 1982 * **Derick**, Mitch und **Baker**, Linda, FORTH Encycopedia - The complete FORTH Programmer's Manual, 2nd Edition, Mountain View Press, 1982 * **Brodie**, Leo: [[ http://home.iae.nl/users/mhx/sf.html|Starting Forth]]. An Introduction to the FORTH Language and Operating System for Beginners and Professionals, FORTH Inc., 1981. [[Notiz2]]