Runtime Support

NEXT inner interpreter
doVAR ( — c-addr ) functionality of words created with CREATE and VARIABLE
doCONST ( — x ) functionality of words created with CONSTANT
doCOLON ( ix — ix ) und ( R: — nest-sys ) functionality of words created with :
EXIT Execution: ( — ) und ( R: nest-sys — )
BRANCH ( — ) control structure primitive ELSE REPEAT
Runtime Support ( flag — ) control structure primitive for IF WHILE UNTIL
doDO ( n1 n2 — ) oder ( n1 n2 — )
sowie ( R: — loop-sys ) control structure primitive DO
doLOOP ( — ) control structure primitive for LOOP
sowie ( R: loop-sys1 — )
oder auch ( R: loop-sys2 — )
doPLOOP ( n — ) control structure primitve for +LOOP
sowie ( R: loop-sys1 — )
oder auch ( R: loop-sys2 — )
doLIT ( — x ) runtim functionality for number literals, LITERAL, ['] and [CHAR]