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ru:projects:4e4th:start [2013-06-06 21:27] – внешнее изменение [2013-09-08 13:29] (текущий) – [Bootstrap Loading] mka
Строка 18: Строка 18:
   * You have a LaunchPad with TI's MSP430G2553 MCU and **4E4th inside**? - you have nothing further to do before starting.   * You have a LaunchPad with TI's MSP430G2553 MCU and **4E4th inside**? - you have nothing further to do before starting.
-  * In case you have your own LaunchPad with a MSP430G2553 you need to FLASH the 4E4th Image ''CF430G2553.a43'', Intel Hex Format, from http://www.forth-ev.de/repos/CF430G2553/ Section "Programmer" below will tell you how.  +  * In case you have your own LaunchPad with a MSP430G2553 you need to FLASH the [[http://www.forth-ev.de/repos/4e4th/Release0.34/Exe/4e4th.a43|4e4th.a43]] Image, Intel Hex Format. Section "Programmer" below will tell you how.    
 ===== Настройка LaunchPad =====  ===== Настройка LaunchPad ===== 
ru/projects/4e4th/start.1370546871.txt.gz · Последнее изменение: 2013-09-08 13:29 (внешнее изменение)